Assessing the risk factors for udder healthMilk Supply by Categories 03 Power Point Presentation Annual Report 2002
Milk Supply by Categories 04 Milk Supply by Categories 05 Milk Supply by Categories 06

National Service for Udder Health & Milk Quality

Ralph Ginsberg                   
Founded by the Israel Dairy Board, Israel Cattle Breeders Association, and the Dairy Industry,”The National Service for Udder Health and Milk Quality” is a non profit organization, whose objective is to improve the udder health and milk quality of all milk producers (cows, sheep & goats) in Israel. Today the “National Service” is the operative branch of the Israel Dairy Board, providing services to all milk producers with milk quotas, by virtue of a levy on each liter of marketed milk.

The “National Service” was streamlined in 1997 from five regional laboratories to its present form. There is one Mastitis diagnostic laboratory situated in Caesarea, serving all herds, between the Golan Heights in the North, and as far as Eilat in the South. The laboratory also serves as a bacteriological reference laboratory for the “Bactoscan” of the Central milk components laboratory.

The proximity of the two laboratories enables samples for analysis sent by dairy farmers from mastitic cows to be forwarded to Caesarea, together with the samples for milk components that are sent daily by the processing plants from all over the country. There is no further payment from the producers.

The staff of the “National Service” works in close co-operation with the Mastitis Reference Center at the Kimron Veterinary Institute.

The following services are provided to all dairy herds:

u Laboratory diagnosis and services

v Periodic sampling and annalization of all dairycow herds.
v Analysis of samples from mastitic cows sent by dairy farmers. owners.
v Analysis of samples sent by farmers from pre-partum cows for sub-clinical mastitis. for sub clinical mastitis.
v Antibiograms providing information to the clinical veterinarian. veterinarian.
v Evaluation of teat dip samples from dairy herds.
v Bulk tank analysis for Strep. Agalactiae.
v Analysus of bedding samples.
v analysis of water for Pseudomonas.
v Progesterone levels in milk, (additional service paid for separately).
v Bactoscan Calibration

uUdder Health

v Tracing and planning the eradication of contagious mastitis.
E.g. Strep. Agalactiae ,Staph. Aureus.
v Advice and support during the eradication phase .
Advice to producers with high Somatic Cell Counts
and/or high "bactoscan" counts.
v Planning, implementation, and follow up on programs to combat
mastitis in individual cows, and on a herd basis .

uMilking parlor and milking equipment analysis.

v Advice on milking parlor construction.
v Advice to dairy farmers on milking machine specifications.
v § Professional advice to dairy farmers on milking equipment, teat dips and detergents. dips and detergents.
v Static and dynamic testing of milk parlors.
v Milk parlor trouble shooting.

u Education

v Advice on laboratory facilities and laboratory examinations.
v Organization of workshops.
v Publication of technical news letters and posters.
v Promotion of research projects.
v Conducting of field studies.
v Advice, co-ordination, and follow up of all services provided.

Dr. Shmuel Friedman Professional Director
Dr. Adin Shwimmer Field Activity Coordinator
Dr. Mor Freed Laboratory Manager
Avraham Harel Producer Relations and Quality Manager
Dana Mienis Milking Management Instructor
Meir ReichmanMilking Management Instructor
Golan Yaakov Milking Management Instructor
Ralph Ginsberg Milking Management Instructor
Ze’ev Feldheim Milking Management Instructor
Caesaria Industrial Park
P.O.Box 3553, 38900
Tel. 972-6-6274477
Fax. 972-6-6274242

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