Type Classification

The appraisal of morphological traits in Israeli dairy cattle has come a long way. Quite naturally, with the initial import of Dutch and Friesian cattle in the early twenties of the century, the concept of "exterieur" was accepted according to the reigning image of the ideal cow as perceived by European tradition. The need for rapid developement of the Israeli dairy herd, commensurate to an ever growing market during various decades, called for the systematic outcrossing of local breeds through the use of imported bulls.Perfection of A.I. methods and the ensuing wide-spread use of bulls imported from the North- American continent after World War II brought about a significant change in the appraisal of our dairy cattle.
In 1985 ICBA became a member of the European Federation of Black & White Breed Societies, now EHFC. Since then, in the wake of efforts to harmonise type classification of the global Holstein-Friesian breed, ICBA revised its methos adapting them strictly to EHFC standards.
From June 1991 on ,ICBA and the Israeli-Holstein Herdbook adhere to the principles of type classification set forth and decided upon by EHFC.

Type Classification in action
All daughters of test bulls are classified in their first lactation period, amounting to 5000-6000 primparous cows annually. Also, daughters of bulls returning to service after the now common lay-off period are classified towards an additional proof; some 4000 cows are involved annually. All prospective bull-dams and mothers of bullcalves offered to the breeding commitee are classified before definite decisions made regarding their purchase, eventually.

Classification is carried out by two official classifiers employed by the Israeli Holstein Herdbook. Each cow is classified for 12 linear traits and for five conformation traits. Classification follows EHFC regulations. Results of classification by each classifier are subjected to periodical checks and revision and should be well within the limits of accepted accuracy(viz. distribution, standard deviation)
Checks and revision regard every trait separately. Any trait in need of improvement triggers a set of instructions appropriate to remedy the problem observed.

Bull Proofs
Daughter classifications are carried out twice yearly together with bull evaluations for production traits; classification results are published together with results of production and reproduction. In bull proofs, only classifications from first-lactation cows are included. All results are corrected for age, days after calving and season of calving, and are compared to those from cows classified the same day in the same herd by the same person. Calculation of results per bull/trait is as follows:
100+6xPD, where PD is expressed in genetic SD
Although there is no composite index for production and type traits in Israel, together with the results of classification relevant rankings and recommendations for the use of bulls are published for important traits. Herd classifiers sit on the breeding commitee and take part in decisions regarding the use of bulls and choosing new test bulls.

Instruction and guidance to dairyfarmers, how to use herd classification, is being provided together with herdbook information by a single classifier, and specifically with the regard to the use of bulls, and recommendations as to the culling of cows and the raising of replacement heifers. It is important to point out, that all recommendatios consider both production and type traits, never type traits alone.
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