The Israeli Selection Index

E p h r a i m E z r a * / J o e l I . W e l l e r * *

The Israeli breeding program is monitored by the Israeli breeding and herdbook committee, which includes representatives of the Sion A. I. company, the Israeli Cattle Breeders Association, and scientists of the Department of Genetics of the Institute of Animal Sciences of the Agricultural Research Organization.

Index coefficients for milk, fat, and protein were computed to maximize expected farmer profit. Profit was computed as income less cost of feed required to produce the three milk components, transportation costs for fluid milk, and the fixed costs per cow, which were set so that the net profit would equal zero. The Index coefficients were computed by differentiating the profit equation with respect to each component. The index coefficients were normalized so that one standard kg of milk with 3.34% Fat and 3.08% protein would have a unit value. The index coefficient for SCS was computed so that expected changes for would be close to zero. The index coefficient for female fertility was computed to account for the economic value of this trait relative to milk production. The current index, PD01, last updated in 2001 is as follows:

PD01 = -0.22 ( kg milk) + 8.5 ( kg fat)
+ 31 ( kg protein) - 300 ( SCS)
+ 26 ( female fertility) .

Expected genetic gains after ten years of selection using this index are: 575 kg milk, 29 kg fat, 24 kg protein, 0.1% fat and 0.09% protein, -0.08 SCS and 2.2% for female fertility. Even though the ratio of fat to protein in the index is 1: 3.6, expected gain for fat is still greater than for protein.

Genetic evaluations for milk, fat, and protein production, SCS, and fertility are calculated by the multitrait animal model, using parities 1 to 5, with each parity considered a separate trait. The base for all genetic evaluations is the mean breeding value for cows born in 1995.

* E p h r a i m E z r a
ICBA, Herdbook Manager

* * J o e l I . W e l l e r
A. R. O.- Institute of Animal Sciences
Dept. of Genetics, Genetist 1

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